Monday, January 24, 2011

A quick prayer

Please pray for my friend Conrad. He is having ear tubes put in for the SECOND time tomorrow. Please pray that the surgery will go well and that this will be the last time he gets them.


All in prayer,

I need to study my geography!

Ok, the other night I went to Longhorn and I found out we were going to Atlanta. I immediatly said "Atlanta? The state!!!???" My dad told me that unless I was talking about Atlantis I had made a pretty sad mistake, for someone who had a geography test on states not to long ago! Then I asked if Atlanta was by California. Pretty sad, right? So I better study some more on that. But I am going to Atlanta. Woohoo! World of Coke here I come! (Even though I like Pepsi better and think Coke is gross) Well I have to go to bed. Bye.


P.S. Did I just see Fluffy run down the hall? Hmmmmmm.

Monday, January 10, 2011

From Fluffy (Grace's bunny)

Grace seems so exited for the new year, but I gotta bring down some new rules. If 2011 is like 2010, I will have failed.
Rule number one: Everyone obeys Fluffy
Two: Fluffy gets as many treats as he wants
Three: Fluffy gets his own MINI laptop (mini so Fluffy wont fall off the keyboard anymore)
Four: Fluffy gets to eat all the Beanie Baby tags that he wants (man Grace leaving that by my cage was destiny!!)
My new years resolution is that I will stop eating my fur.
Oh no! Grace is asking me now how I got out of my cage. I will never tell! Oh no, Grace dont take the computer awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagysdhjkhgwqahj

How on earth did Fluffy type this?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok we were supposed to have flying cars in 2010 and I was hoping a TV in my mom and dad's bedroom (so I couldn't here football screams). The things that didnt happen were just covered up by the things that did. Earthquake in Haiti, Chiliean (please forgive me if that was not right spelling) miners getting trapped for 60 days and coming out ok. And for the thousandth time didn't show the ball when it went down. There was flooding and first late Dec. that I didnt see piles of snow (Ohio... always the same)!!!!! I'm hopeing 2011 will be better than 2010.
All in prayers,

Soldiers (explained)

We may not hold guns everyday or worry about bombs falling on us once a week, but we are still soldiers. We fight on the best side possible, God;s side. So the word soldiers is just a reminder about how we fight against sin. We are soldiers.